Ministers Prayer Fellowship (MPF) is a Fellowship of Pastors & Ministers
Pray for the pastors and their families. Encourage and support pastors and their families. To help the discouraged and hurting fellow pastors.
Our Vision
1) Evangelization of the world (Mark 16:15-20)
2) Worship of God (John 4:23,24)
3) Edifying of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11,16)
Our Beginning
A group of pastors and their Spouses met at Atlanta Christian Assembly, Decatur, Georgia on Saturday November 23, 2013, 11:00 AM for prayer.
The following Pastors and their Spouses were Present.
Pastor John Cherian
(Atlanta Christian Assembly)
Pastor Alexander Thomas
(International Church)
Pastor C V Andrews
(Atlanta Church Of God)
Pastor George V Thomas
(Atlanta Assembly Of God)
Pastor G Samuel
(Bethel I P C)
Pastor V P Jose
(Atlanta I P C)
They prayed together and decided to meet every fifth Saturday of the month or at any other convenient time for prayer, and thus began Ministers Prayer Fellowship. Ministers Prayer Fellowship elected Pastor John Cherian as the Coordinator and Pastor Alexander Thomas as the public relations.