Five things are done in a healthy and balanced manner in a church, these functions are evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship.
Evangelism.— Don’t neglect the basics. Plan an outreach project each quarter. Include witness training, encourage your people to participate in outreach. Be a personal soul-winner. If you, personally, are faithful to share your faith with others, your church will baptize many each year.
Discipleship.— Bible Study and Make Sunday School a priority. Start a new Bible Study group. Enlist your teachers and provide training for them. Fulfill the Great Commission through your Sunday School. Encourage your people to involve themselves personally in discipling others. Any time one believer engages another and the result is that they are both more like Christ, discipleship is happening. Whether two neighbors share a cup of coffee as they study the Bible or a group meets for Bible study in an apartment complex, encourage your people to disciple others.
Fellowship.— Fellowship is more than food. When we bear one another’s burdens, fellowship is strong. When we rejoice in the common blessings we share as Christians, that is fellowship.
Make much of the fellowship of the Lord’s Supper. This is a time of fellowship and worship. The Lord’s Supper shows us and the world all that we have in common in the body and blood of Jesus.
Ministry.— Involve ministry leaders and Elders in ministry.
Worship.— Worship can be defined as an encounter with God. While one may encounter God in many places, that encounter should always take place when the church is gathered on the Lord’s Day. You would not dare enter the pulpit without praying and preparing extensively for the sermon you will deliver. The same attention should be given the rest of the worship experience. Pray, prepare, and make the Lord’s day the most warm, authentic worship experience possible.